Headaches & tooth grinding

Do you wake up feeling tired, or with jaw ache? Do you suffer from headaches? Does your jaw click or lock sometimes? Are your teeth worn and sensitive? Then you may be one of the 6 million people in the UK who grind their teeth.

Tooth grinding and clenching, or as professionals call it Bruxism, is a common habit that usually occurs at night, and can cause havoc with the teeth and the wellbeing of the sufferer, frequently without them even knowing they do it. Common problems are migraines, excessive wear on the teeth, breaking teeth when chewing normal everyday foods and neck and shoulder pain.

What can I do about it?

We can help you by discussing your symptoms and concerns and screening you for the signs of bruxism. We supply products that you can wear at night or in the day which will retrain your muscles to relax and help to alleviate your symptoms.

These include the sleep clench inhibitor, which gently keeps your teeth apart in the night so you can’t clench, and the Cerezen ear piece, which sits almost invisibly in your ear canal and can be worn all day if necessary.

For some people, wearing these products can be life changing.

Get in touch

If you have problems with snoring or tooth grinding, or if the symptoms we have mentioned ring a bell for you or a loved one, give us a call and we can book a free appointment with our experienced support staff who can talk to you about what we can do to help.

Alternatively, if you want to get started straight away on finding out your specific diagnosis and starting on the road to treatment and health, just book a healthy mouth assessment with one of our dentists.

Contact us

Treatment Costs

Fees Charges
Assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning £69.50
Full arch soft mouthguard £161
Sleep Clench Inhibitor appliance £389.40 – £462
Sparkle Club Members
Assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning FREE
Full arch soft mouthguard £144.90
Sleep Clench Inhibitor appliance £311.52 -£415.80

Patient Story

“I visited Celia with jaw-ache. She asked me if I also was experiencing headaches, and she advised me to try an SCI (sleep chench inhibitor) as she suspected I was clenching my teeth during the night. At first I was reluctant as I thought it was going to be like a gum-shield, which always made me gag. However, Celia assured me it would only fit on my bottom teeth and I wouldn’t have a reaction. I took to it straight away and my jaw-ache and headaches immediately stopped. It helps so much that I have even purchased a second one, to leave in my travel bag so I never forget it if I am away. 

Celia also provides a 2 year free replacement with them, which has been beneficial to me as I needed some small repairs. Many thanks Celia for your help and support to fix my aches so easily.”

-RP, Solihull

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What our patients say...

Headaches & tooth grinding FAQs

How do I know if I am grinding my teeth?

Many people only or mainly grind their teeth at night. Your partner may be able to tell you that you grind as they will hear the squeaky noise – it’s quite loud and quite unpleasant to listen to! But you may clench rather than grind, which is silent. Warning signs of bruxism – the medical name for clenching and grinding – are sore facial muscles, migraines, headache on waking, sensitivity, tender teeth, frequent fractures or chipping of teeth, severe wear on the teeth, inability to open your mouth wide, or the jaw locking or clicking on opening.

Why do I grind my teeth?

Tooth grinding can be caused by an uncomfortable bite, stress, loss of teeth which leaves gaps, or jaw joint problems. This is called adaptive grinding. Fixing the problem can often mean the grinding is reduced or eliminated. However some people grind or clench their teeth because their brain is wired to do so, (neurological grinding) and these people usually need more ongoing solutions.

We will assess the factors causing your teeth grinding before we discuss the most appropriate treatment option with you.

Why is tooth grinding a problem?

Many people don’t realise they grind their teeth until the problems are severe. Grinding and clenching the teeth causes immense pressure in the jaw – far higher pressure even than when eating the hardest food. This can then lead to damage to the way the jaw moves and restricted mouth opening, headaches or pain in the neck and shoulders, and excessive tooth wear. This can then lead to problems with sensitivity, dying nerves in the teeth and being unable to see the teeth when smiling, spoiling the look of your smile.

How can I stop grinding my teeth?

If your grinding is adaptive as described above, then changing certain factors like the shape of a tooth or your lifestyle can help. If it is neurological (from the brain) it usually requires a bite guard or jaw protector of some type.

I can’t tolerate a mouthguard – is there anything else I can use?

Mouthguards can be made from a very small block of hard plastic that only covers your front teeth, and need no impressions. We can also scan your teeth instead of take impressions in your mouth. If you struggle to tolerate the mouthguard itself, there are exercises and therapies that you can try which may help. The technology exists to provide a small ear piece instead of a mouthpiece, but the company who own it are no longer in business. If this technology is taken up by a new manufacturer we will definitely be offering it again.

Not sure whether the treatment is for you?

Book for a free no-obligation consultation to find our more. Just call us on 0121 382 8544 or make an enquiry using our online form.

Get in touch
Six Month Smiles BACD - British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry British Dental Association The Oral Health Foundation GDC