Do you wake up feeling tired, or with jaw ache? Do you suffer from headaches? Does your jaw click or lock sometimes? Are your teeth worn and sensitive? Then you may be one of the 6 million people in the UK who grind their teeth.
Tooth grinding and clenching, or as professionals call it Bruxism, is a common habit that usually occurs at night, and can cause havoc with the teeth and the wellbeing of the sufferer, frequently without them even knowing they do it. Common problems are migraines, excessive wear on the teeth, breaking teeth when chewing normal everyday foods and neck and shoulder pain.
What can I do about it?
We can help you by discussing your symptoms and concerns and screening you for the signs of bruxism. We supply products that you can wear at night or in the day which will retrain your muscles to relax and help to alleviate your symptoms.
These include the sleep clench inhibitor, which gently keeps your teeth apart in the night so you can’t clench, and the Cerezen ear piece, which sits almost invisibly in your ear canal and can be worn all day if necessary.
For some people, wearing these products can be life changing.
Get in touch
If you have problems with snoring or tooth grinding, or if the symptoms we have mentioned ring a bell for you or a loved one, give us a call and we can book a free appointment with our experienced support staff who can talk to you about what we can do to help.
Alternatively, if you want to get started straight away on finding out your specific diagnosis and starting on the road to treatment and health, just book a healthy mouth assessment with one of our dentists.
Treatment Costs
Fees | Charges |
Assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning | £69.50 |
Full arch soft mouthguard | £161 |
Sleep Clench Inhibitor appliance | £389.40 – £462 |
Sparkle Club Members | |
Assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning | FREE |
Full arch soft mouthguard | £144.90 |
Sleep Clench Inhibitor appliance | £311.52 -£415.80 |
Patient Story
“I visited Celia with jaw-ache. She asked me if I also was experiencing headaches, and she advised me to try an SCI (sleep chench inhibitor) as she suspected I was clenching my teeth during the night. At first I was reluctant as I thought it was going to be like a gum-shield, which always made me gag. However, Celia assured me it would only fit on my bottom teeth and I wouldn’t have a reaction. I took to it straight away and my jaw-ache and headaches immediately stopped. It helps so much that I have even purchased a second one, to leave in my travel bag so I never forget it if I am away.
Celia also provides a 2 year free replacement with them, which has been beneficial to me as I needed some small repairs. Many thanks Celia for your help and support to fix my aches so easily.”
-RP, Solihull