Unfortunately sometimes we are unable to save a tooth and it has to be extracted…
The space can look unsightly or can result in the teeth nearby tilting or growing out of the gum. The bone that supports the missing tooth gradually resorbs away reducing the support for the cheeks and lips.
There are four things you can do with a gap left by a missing tooth:
Leave it as it is
Replace it with a false tooth on a denture plate
Replace it by crowning the teeth either side and putting a bridging tooth between
Place an implant in the jaw and then a crown on to the implant
Implants have become a popular way to replace the missing tooth owing to their being fixed in the mouth without needing to cut down other teeth nearby, and their prevention of bone loss in that area
Dental Implants
Dental implants are high-quality, long-lasting replacements for missing teeth. There are many reasons that patients now opt for implants over dentures or bridges. They are extremely compatible with the tissues of the mouth and unlike dentures or bridges, they don’t rely on other teeth to stay in and do not put extra stress on the other teeth of the mouth. You don’t have to take them out at night and they are much easier to clean than bridges.
Dental implants are available without needing to travel away from Sutton Coldfield as we place them here at Nothing But The Tooth.
“The result was excellent!” – Watch Ken’s Implant Story Below
Dr Hassan Kamal
Our implants are placed in our practice by Dr Hassan Kamal. Hassan limits his practice here to implants and root treatments and has carried out extensive post graduate education to ensure he is giving patients the best care possible.
Dr Kamal places Osstem implants, a long established brand used by dentists across the world. He understands patients’ concerns and anxieties about implant treatment and is happy to spend all the time you need ensuring you choose the right treatment for you. If patients prefer to have their treatment under sedation this is easy to arrange.
What our patients say...
"If anyone is thinking about implants, I would so recommend that you find your way to Nothing But The Tooth and have yourself the most expert and comprehensive package of care from their team. I actually cried when I saw the first of my new teeth in place- it is transformational and you, like me, are worth the best."
Implants FAQs
Am I suitable for dental implants?
We are very careful when assessing your suitability for implants and will only place them when we are confident that you will achieve a natural looking result that is long lasting.
Which patients choose implants? Reasons for having this treatment vary, but typically patients have
• Lost some teeth over the years and now want to fill in the gaps
• a tooth that never came through resulting in the baby tooth being retained, and then lost in later life
• a tooth that has been missing since birth
• experienced trauma such as a fall or car accident resulting in tooth loss
• become fed up of their loose dentures
• a gap too long to fill with a bridge
Dental implants may be a highly attractive option. Implants are most like having your own tooth back compared to dentures or bridges. We will ask that you initially attend a free no obligation appointment with one of our patient care co-ordinators prior to any treatment taking place, so that we can be sure you understand as much as possible about the procedure and you have the opportunity to ask lots of questions.
Is a course of treatment required?
Yes, the whole process usually takes a few weeks.
After seeing our Patient Care Coordinator you will have an appointment with Dr Hassan Kamal to discuss the clinical side of your treatment. He will then arrange for you to have some x rays or scans. Your main surgical appointment follows when the implant is placed and the gum covers it over while it integrates into your bone.
A few weeks later we will uncover the implant and place a special attachment that ensures the gum heals to a good shape for a nice cosmetic result. A healing period will then commence after which you will return for a scan to create the final implant crown.
What if I don’t have enough bone in my jaw for the implant?
If there is insufficient bone to insert an implant, we can often undertake a procedure to make the bone thicker, meaning that you can still undergo implant surgery.
What happens during a dental implant procedure?
During your implant procedure we carefully make a small hole in the bone where the tooth is missing. This will fit the implant exactly and the implant is then screwed in place and allowed to heal, which can take a few weeks. After this your beautiful new crown is screwed into the implant, which results in a natural looking tooth filling the gap.
Are there any contraindications to dental implants?
Active gum disease – this would need to be treated and stabilised before implant surgery – a treatment that we can offer here at Nothing But The Tooth
Bisphosphonate medicines such as alendronic acid for osteoporosis can cause complications with the healing process after implant surgery. You would need to discuss this with your implant dentist here at Nothing But The Tooth
Smoking and diabetes can reduce the rates of success and longevity following implant surgery. However, these would not necessarily rule out the possibility of having the treatment. We would need to discuss your own circumstances with you in your initial assessment.
How long does it take?
You should allow around 6 months from start to finish for your implants to be completed. Unless you are having immediate loading implants, we would normally allow around three months after extraction for the site to heal, and then there would be an assessment appointment with x-rays and possibly a scan, followed by the surgical procedure to place the implant in the bone. After a few weeks the implant is uncovered and a cap placed to shape the gum to the right shape for the new crown. Once this has healed we can then take the impressions and fit the final restorations, which will usually take three visits in total.
Does implant surgery hurt?
Implant surgery is undertaken under an effective and long-lasting local anaesthetic and is therefore not painful.
You will experience some odd sensations during placement of the implants as there is some vibration, but this does not feel significantly different from having fillings or extractions.
You will probably experience a few days of swelling and discomfort after the surgery. This can be treated using pain killers.
Every patient is different and the longevity of treatment depends on many factors such as how well you clean your teeth, whether you grind your teeth, your medical history and your oral health including any gum disease. Most dental implants last many years, even decades, so are a highly efficient and cost-effective means of replacing lost teeth.
Where do I have my implants placed?
We work with Will Murphy to provide the surgical aspect of implant placement, before Celia or Hassan restore the implant with a crown. Will and Celia have been work colleagues almost since graduation (a long time!) and have worked together for patients needing implants for around 9 years. Will places his implants in one of his two clinics in Birmingham city centre or in Solihull. Once they are completed, you will have your crowns placed at Nothing But The Tooth.
Is it expensive?
Implant treatment is some of the most demanding and technique sensitive work that dentists perform. The implants themselves are costly if bought as we do from reputable manufacturers such as Straumann.
However, when looked at over the life of an implant, it can work out as very cost effective compared to having repeated dentures or bridges, or to needing to rebalance the bite after tipping of neighbouring teeth. Many of our patients feel that the benefit of a fixed tooth over dentures is worth the extra investment.
Not sure whether the treatment is for you?
Book for a free no-obligation consultation to find our more. Just call us on 0121 382 8544 or make an enquiry using our online form.